Through the Use of Thermal Solar, Geothermal and Waste Energy Recovery and Certain Bio-fuels Production, Boost the Efficiency of My New Internal Combustion Engines and Existing Internal Combustion Engines
By: James Briggs SynergyIsBest
The inventor of the new Augmenting Stirling Cycle, Steam and Internal combustion
Engines Technologies #
Aug 13, 2011
Empowering Green Technologies – My new and revolutionary take on The Stirling Cycle
and Steam Engine and related inventions will enable the growth of the growing solar,
geothermal and waste energy recovery and bio-fuels production industries.
The complexity of the requirements – Both ethanol and biodiesel are heavily and
expensively refined to narrow specifications in order to be able to run in current engines. In
the case of Diesel engines, engine manufacturers are gearing up to try and to meet the 2010
standards. By law and and by electromechanical requirements biodiesel needs to be as
carefully refined as of now, and it needs to meet narrow specifications. The requirement to
blend bio-fuels at specific ratios with petroleum products raises costs and limits their
usefulness and applicability.
The simplicity of the Stirling Engine –The Stirling Cycle and Steam Engine utilizes
external combustion and/or direct or focused solar heat and is not very sensitive to fuel
mixtures, the amount of refining, or meeting narrow performance specifications.The
combustion process is completely indifferent to the fuel used, as long as it will combust. It
can burn Diesel, military standard JP-N fuels, gasoline, kerosene as well as a number of
other fuels. In an oxygen starved retort you can heat wood or yard waste to produce wood
gas. Also things such as paper and garbage produce wood gas. If it can out-gas volatiles, the
The Stirling Cycle and Steam Engine can use it as fuel.This aspect enables a whole new
world of possibilities and invigorating changes. My soon to be patented Stirling Cycle and
Steam Engine is a brilliant innovation of an old technology. An invention that can empower
a revolution in both engines and energy sources such as solar, geothermal and bio-fuels.
The So Called Urgent Need for Bio-fuels – In the face of rapidly rising global demand for
oil, especially from China and India. The supply and demand gap will continue to have a
strong upward pressure on oil prices. As this article is written (5/1/110 oil is over $120 per barrel.
then dropped to $100 (5/2/11 - 5/11/14) Some professional analysts were predicting $150 oil
given possible geopolitics, in the near future. The U.S. currently imports more than 13
million barrels per day* of crude, and that figure rises every year. At $100 per barrel that is
$1.30 billion per day, and a mind blowing $474 billion that's almost half of a trillion dollars
per year.
We are addicted to oil, and that is causing us and the planet severe problems. If there are
disruptions to oil imports or financial speculations and/or manipulations our country and
economy will be damaged more than it has been so far. If we continue to use fossil fuels
we will kill our planet.The food chain is in danger from oil spills and the universal use of
diesel engines in our waterways. Plus all the sewage and garbage that is discharged in to the
rivers and the oceans. We will need to utilize every available carbon negative and carbon
neutral energy source we have to fix the predicament. Renewable energy sources, such as
solar or the production of certain types of bio-fuels are ways out of our problem, and some
are very promising ways. Some are boondoggles. We need to ramp up some types of bio-fuel
production as well as thermal solar, wind and wave power generation. as fast as we can.
Major expansion of green technologies production will lower cost and will stimulate the
growth of the economy.
The Bio-fuels Paradox – Unless it is made with solar energy or the waste heat from some
existing industrial process it takes more petroleum to produce and distribute ethanol than
the net energy provided. Yet it is subsidized due to lobbyists for big agricultural
corporations. Both ethanol and biodiesel are subsidized by the government. As is regular
gasoline and diesel. Biodiesel needs processing and is usually blended at certain
percentages with petroleum based Diesel in order to comply with regulations due to
lobbyists for big oil corporations. Therefore most current bio-fuels are very expensive to
produce, be they ethanol or biodiesel, and are not competitive with petroleum-based fuels.
Even with $1 per gallon of subsidies. Possibly because of the subsidies on regular oil that oil
companies receive. While, over time, a learning curve will reduce the production cost of
bio-fuels, that will likely to take a significant amount of time.
Combining of the Market is Detrimental to Food Prices – Currently the one of the major
sources of bio-fuels are waste oils which is good. The carbon footprint is already there so to
recycle is prudent. It also comes from food sources such as corn and soybeans which is bad.
It drives up food prices through speculation and competition and should not be used. Food
and fuel economies should be kept separate. For bio-fuels production economics to truly be
competitive with petroleum on a non-subsidized basis there needs to be a radical
breakthrough. The situation is only confounded and confused by large government
subsidies to both fossil fuels and bio-fuels. Without an extraordinary increase in the price of
oil, they are not likely to be cost competitive in the foreseeable future, unless there are
radical changes. The use of the The Stirling Cycle and Steam Engine promises to make that
change possible, probable and logical.
Basics of the Internal Combustion and Diesel Engines – Both the internal combustion
engine and the Diesel engine have its own set of characteristics, advantages, and
disadvantages. Among the disadvantages are that they are relatively dirty engines,compared
to Stirling Cycle and Steam Engines, and need expensive procedures and processing to
make them clean for emissions purposes. Each type of engine must burn a highly refined
fuel within a narrow range of specifications. Fuel outside these narrowly defined ranges
can cause the engine to hesitate, or stop. The engines could be damaged. Both ethanol and
biodiesel must also be carefully refined and processed to meet the exacting standards
required for these engines. Meeting the rigid specifications is expensive both in terms of
capital investment, equipment, processing and labor requirements, energy usage in
production and distribution.
Characteristics of the My Stirling Cycle Engine – The The Stirling Cycle and Steam Engine
utilizes external combustion, and/or solar radiation and/or waste heat to produce hot gases.
Fuel and air and/or sunlight are injected into a ceramic matrix surrounding the cylinders in
the spherical combustion chamber so that fuel is completely combusted. As necessary the
dwell time in the combustion chamber is any interval. This radically different from the
millisecond dwell time of a gasoline or Diesel engine. A brief dwell time prevents all the fuel
in the engine from combusting completely before it is expelled from the cylinder. Resulting in
wasted fuel and dirty exhaust which needs to be cleaned up. By contrast, with thermostatic
control of the fuel, the minimum amount required for continued and complete combustion
occurring in the 2,000 to 2,200 degree Fahrenheit range can be utilized. Then hot gas in the
Stirling Cycle combustion chamber passes immediately after combustion into a heat
exchanger section of the engine. There it heats low grade steam, from the Internal
Combustion Engine that it augments, to super critical temperatures to be used in the Steam
Engine that also augments the Internal Combustion Engine. Then to another heat
exchanger to preheat incoming combustion air for the Stirling Cycle combustion chamber.
Recycling the energy immediately and directly. Radiant heat in the 2,000 to 2,200 degree
Fahrenheit range from the surrounding ceramic matrix impinging directly on the cylinders
of the Stirling Cycle Engine. The combustion process is completely indifferent to the fuel
used, as long as it will combust. It can burn Diesel, JP-N fuels, gasoline, kerosene, paper,
garbage, wood, the last three with an anaerobic retort, as wood gas as well as a number of other
fuels. Liquid fuels can be in the same fuel tank, as long as they don’t chemically interact
with each other, none of the above liquid fuels do. That means that ethanol or biodiesel can
be burned in mixed or pure form in the The Stirling Cycle and Steam Engine, and does not
need to be blended with petroleum based fuels. It does not need to meet narrow
specifications. My guess is that eliminating the last few refining steps from the production
process for biodiesel would reduce its production cost by 10% to 20%. Because the fuel
needed in the The Stirling Cycle and Steam Engine can be much broader in its
specifications it will be possible to come up with production processes that could lower total
production costs by 30% to 40% over current methods and processes. That would be more
than enough to make it cost competitive with oil, even with their subsidies.
New Technologies for the Future – The Stirling Cycle and Steam Engine is a logical
solution to a series of interlocking problems.With its indifference to type of fuel or adherence to narrow specifications, It can enable and empower solar, geothermal and waste energy recovery and the bio-fuels revolution as well. It is one revolution empowering others. SynergyIsBest is working hard for a true symbiosis with these and other technologies.
* Independent Statistic and Analysis U.S. Energy Information Administration
# My Internal Combustion Engine/Stirling Cycle and Steam Engine System Will be
introduced in my next blog (3rd)
additional references for my first blog are below
Climate Change Impacts On Arboreal Forest
by LE Frelich - Related articles
prairie climate – featuring frequent droughts, summer heat waves, and a historically high
fire frequency – to a forest climate, with rainfall evenly distributed throughout the year ....
ranges, and the best available predictions for future biome ..... years of free-air CO2
enrichment (FACE)? A meta-analytic ...
Climate-induced forest dieback: an escalating global phenomenon?
Recent examples of drought and heat-related forest stress and dieback (defined ... with
global mean temperatures now outside the historic range of at least the .... heat waves,
which are projected to increase in frequency and severity (IPCC, ... Cross-scale interactions
among forest die-back, fire, and erosion in ...
Climate Change Impacts on the US: Rocky Mountains and Great Basin ...
Oct 12, 2003 ... The current climate of the RMGB varies widely by season and location. ...
The extreme heat waves associated with drought can have devastating ... The potential for
increased risk of forest fires could endanger the life and ... However, climate change is
likely to increase the frequency and intensity ...
ENSEMBLES – providing ensemble-based predictions of climate ...
by C Hewitt - Cited by 19 - Related articles
extreme events (for example the severity and frequency of heatwaves, drought, forest fires,
... drought, forest fires, storminess and flooding), and the effects of ... in the Earth system
(including water resource, land use, and air quality ... surface temperature changes.
Simulated changes are in the range of 1ºC ...
Local Warming: Consequences of Climate Change for Atlanta By ...
worst drought and largest forest fire in over 100 years, ... we can expect the frequency and
severity of flooding, droughts and forest fires to ... southern heat wave and drought –
damages in excess of $6 billion and at least .... are our front line for a livable climate by
moderating the temperature and retaining ...
Global Warming, global temperatures , Droughts and wildfires ...
Heat waves will be more frequent and more intense. Droughts and wildfires will occur more
often. ... These conditions could also aggravate local air quality problems. Global warming
is expected to increase the potential geographic range and ... farms and forests, beaches and
wetlands, and other natural habitats. ...
Executive summary of important governmental stakeholders from the SEE region based ... In addition to
changes in the mean values of climate parameters, changes in the frequency and ...
extremely high or low air temperatures, heat waves, snow storms, ..... and heat wave early
warning system, forest fire index, drought and flood ...
ESA Online Journals - Will environmental changes reinforce the ... › ... › September 2010
by LE Frelich - 2009 - Cited by 6 - Related articles
Mar 1, 2011 ... Global warming is expected to cause the existing prairie–forest border of ...
and August) temperatures by the late 21st century are +3–9°C (range .... Given evidence
from the free-air CO2 enrichment literature, ... 2000), and increased drought and fire
frequency will negatively affect this species. ...
Fire Disaster in Israel Is a Typical Example of Expected Climate ...
Dec 13, 2010 ... Forest fires in the Carmel mountain range in northern Israel was ... drought
and occurred during a heat wave with temperatures around 30ºC. ...
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